Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program - Powered by Attract Connect Stay
Elevate Your ACS Framework Expertise

Join the Attract Connect Stay Community Today

Cath Cosgrave - Attract Connect Stay

Following the completion of the transformative Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program or tailored consultancy services from the Attract Connect Stay team, you can continue to leverage the power of Dr Cosgrave’s evidence-based Attract Connect Stay Framework through the Attract Connect Stay (ACS) Member Network.

The Attract Connect Stay Member Network achieves its goals by meticulously implementing the ACS Framework’s five pillars—Attract, Recruit, Settle & Connect (Organisation and Community), and Stay—ensuring rural communities become and remain attractive to out-of-region skilled workers, especially health professionals and their families. This comprehensive approach fosters community growth and vibrancy through targeted recruitment, effective integration, and sustained retention strategies.

Attract Connect Stay 5 Pillars Domains

Who Should Join?

The Member Network is designed for those who have either completed the ACS Launchpad Program, Or engaged with our consultancy services, OR are independently applying the ACS Framework.

It will be especially beneficial to individuals directly involved in the attraction, recruitment, onboarding, and retention of newcomer highly-skilled workers This includes, but is not limited to, human resource managers, business owners, senior executives, team leaders and line managers.

Support for Continuous Development and Sustained Success

Joining the ACS Member Network means not just applying but thriving through the ACS Framework’s principles. It’s an opportunity to ensure your business’ and community’s highly skilled workforce strategies are continuously refined and successful.

What you receive

As a member of the Attract Connect Stay Member Network, you will receive:

Expert-Led Monthly Webinars: Focused on the ACS Framework’s five pillars, Dr Cosgrave and other members of the ACS Team and guest speakers will be providing insights and strategies for development of highly-skilled workforce in rural places.

Two 1Hr Strategy Calls: With Dr. Cath Cosgrave, offering tailored advice to meet your business’ and community’s unique needs.

Continuous Coaching and Feedback: Within a supportive online community, our closed Facebook group, will allow you 24/7 access to a community of professionals committed to the ACS principles. The platform facilitates ongoing interaction, coaching, and support, enabling the exchange of ideas and follow-up on discussed topics.

Access to a Comprehensive Resource Library: Including tools and resources designed to enhance your recruitment, retention, and community integration strategies.

The Benefits

The benefits of joining the Attract Connect Stay Member Network include

Enhanced Recruitment Strategies

Gain insights into effective techniques for attracting skilled health professionals to rural areas.

Improved Retention Rates

Learn how to implement strategies that encourage health professionals and their families to stay and thrive in your community.

Community Development

Foster a more vibrant, supportive community that appeals to new residents and contributes to overall growth and well-being.

Professional Networking

Connect with peers facing similar challenges, share experiences, and collaborate on innovative solutions.

Subscription Details

The subscription details for joining the Attract Connect Stay Member Network are as follows

Monthly Subscription

Monthly Subscription: $110 (inc. GST) per month, billed in 10 instalments. This option allows for flexibility and gradual investment in the program, running from February to November.

Annual Subscription

Annual Subscription: $997 (inc. GST) A saving of over $100 for a one-time annual payment. This option provides a comprehensive year-round support system at a discounted rate compared to the monthly subscription, covering the entire operational period of the network from February to November.

Join Now: Unleash the Full Potential of Your Rural Workforce

Embark on a journey of continuous development and success with the Attract Connect Stay Member Network. If you’re ready to transform your recruitment strategies, improve retention rates, and foster a thriving community, click the link below to apply.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a dedicated network led by Dr. Cath Cosgrave and the ACS team, offering unparalleled support, insights, and resources tailored to rural health care sectors. Whether you’re joining mid-year or at the start, we’re here to ensure you receive immediate value from our comprehensive suite of benefits.

Apply today and start shaping the future of your rural workforce.

For any inquiries or further information, feel free to reach out to us at Let’s work together towards a brighter future for rural health care professionals and the communities they serve.


Your Questions – Answered

The ACS Member Network is led by Dr. Cath Cosgrave and other ACS team members. With their extensive expertise in rural workforce development, they ensure that the network offers the highest level of support, guidance, and resource sharing. This leadership ensures that members have access to evidence-based strategies and personalised advice tailored to the unique challenges of rural health care sectors.

Yes, you can join the ACS Member Network at any point during its operational period from February to November. We offer prorated subscription options for those joining mid-year to ensure you receive immediate value from the ongoing resources, webinars, and support available upon joining. Please contact us for more details on how to integrate into the network partway through the year.

If you’re unable to attend the live webinars, recordings will be made available to all members shortly after each session. This ensures that you have the flexibility to engage with the material at a time that suits you best, without missing out on the valuable insights and strategies shared during these sessions.

Confidentiality is a cornerstone of the ACS Member Network. All members are required to adhere to strict confidentiality agreements to ensure that any shared information, experiences, or data within the network, especially in the closed Facebook group and during strategy calls, remains private and secure.

Join the Waiting List

This program is currently under development.

Available 3 Feb 25

Are you maximising your rural health workforce’s potential?

Download this self-assessment checklist to benchmark your organisation against the Attract Connect Stay Framework