Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program - Powered by Attract Connect Stay
Attract, Onboard, and Retain staff effectively
Transform your Rural Business's Workforce with our

Do It Yourself (DIY) - Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program

Cath Cosgrave - Attract Connect Stay
Aqua Tick

Are you struggling to find and keep skilled workers for your rural business?

Our  DIY Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program is here to change that! 

This workforce strengthening program is led by distinguished expert  Dr. Cath Cosgrave, Australia’s leading rural skilled workforce strengthening specialist.

By joining this program, you’ll dive deep into the Attract Connect Stay Framework, gaining valuable skills to craft tailored strategies for your unique rural service and local community.

Reform Your Workforce Strategy

Designed Exclusively for Businesses in Rural Settings

Attracting and retaining skilled workers is challenging everywhere, but especially in rural and regional areas. Whether you’re in healthcare, legal, education, IT, engineering, retail, manufacturing, or agriculture the struggle to attract and retain the right talent from out of region is a common obstacle.

If you’re a business owner, senior executive, team leader or human resource manager responsible for recruiting skilled workers or professionals then our Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program is your path to success.

DIY Option: Begin Whenever You’re Ready – Get Started!

Enrol in our DIY Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program Today and Unlock Over $7,500 in VALUE!

Implement our proven, evidence-based Framework

Working with rural businesses,  Dr Cosgrave has identified the five pillars necessary to successfully implement the Framework:

This program is based on over 12 years of Dr. Cosgrave’s research investigating the factors that influence skilled workers to take a rural position and to stay which has been instrumental in strengthening skilled workforces in rural places.  Dr Cosgrave’s expertise, particularly in attracting and retaining healthcare professionals, has been applied in various industries, ensuring that the peer-reviewed Attract Connect Stay Framework is adaptable your specific business’s specific workforce needs.

1. Attract, 2. Recruit, 3. Settle & Connect (Organisation), 4. Settle & Connect (Community), 5. Stay

By joining this program, you’ll develop a practical understanding of these five pillars and learn the skills needed to craft tailored strategies to implement the Framework for your unique organisation and rural community.

Attract Connect Stay 5 Pillars Domains

1. Attract: Attracting a strong pool of ideal candidates 

Learn to build a strong Employer Branding Strategy including developing a compelling Employer Value Proposition  that attract top talent. Discover hoe to offer targeted incentives, understand the changes in key employee needs today and address them, and tailor recruitment for hard-to-fill roles. This approach will help you draw in and retain best candidates for your organisation.

 2. Recruit: Recruiting the best fit candidate.

Learn to create a recruitment strategy that not only targets qualified candidates but also ensures they’re a perfect fit for your organisation and rural community. You’ll learn to create an Ideal Candidate Profile for each vacancy, craft clear job descriptions, and design job ads that resonate. You’ll master a selection process that aligns candidates with your values, ensuring they thrive and stay long-term.

 3. Settle & Connect (Organisation): Settling and connecting new employee into the organisation

Create a seamless onboarding experience that helps new employees settle in quickly and comfortably within your organisation. This pillar covers strategies for ensuring that new staff feel supported, valued, and motivated from day one, laying the groundwork for long-term retention.

 4. Settle & Connect (Community): Settling and connecting new employee into the local community

We now go beyond the workplace to introduce what support and when new employees and their families needto successfully  integrate into a new rural community. This pillar introduces our successful Community Connector Program, which facilitates social connections, provides tailored settlement support, and creates a welcoming environment. We’ll explore the program’s impact and undertake the first module Ready, to help you assess the need for and potential the program may have for your rural community.

5. Stay: New employee provided support fostering greater desire to stay

We will present long-term retention strategies that focus on both professional development and personal well-being. This pillar covers how to keep your employees engaged, satisfied, and committed to your organisation, ensuring that they see a future with you and within your community.

We're here to help you ...

Attract Connect Stay

Craft Targeted Recruitment Campaigns

Develop compelling campaigns to attract the perfect candidates for your roles.

Attract Connect Stay

Refine Your Selection Process

Design interviews that match the job requirements and help determine if a candidate is a good fit for both your team’s and organisation’s values. If the candidate isn’t from the area, we also help you make sure they match with the local community.

Attract Connect Stay

Enhance Onboarding Experience

Cultivate a welcoming onboarding process that helps new employees settle in smoothly, ensuring they feel safe, supported, and motivated to stay and develop their skills.

Attract Connect Stay

Strengthen Employee Retention

Implement strategies based on the Attract Connect Stay Framework, focusing on enhancing both professional and personal satisfaction, ensuring employees are motivated and engaged for long-term success.

What Rural Business Leaders Like You Say...

Cynthia Robins

Helping us become a top employer of choice

Thanks to the expertise of Dr. Cath Cosgrave, Echuca Regional Health (ERH) has gained valuable knowledge on how to effectively attract, recruit, and retain. With a focus on strengthening workforce culture & monitoring retention-influencing factors, Cath’s strategies will help position ERH to be a top employer of choice, where employees are fully supported in their career aspirations and enthusiastic about being a part of the community.



Fiona Le Glassick

An approach that effectively addresses rural skills shortages

Dr. Cath Cosgrave’s extensive knowledge, expertise, and ground-breaking research have been invaluable to numerous workforce strengthening projects in Greater Shepparton. Her unwavering focus on the health sector workforce has led to a comprehensive whole-community approach that effectively addresses skills shortages and associated challenges.  



Troy Cox

Revolutionising Recruitment with Attract Connect Stay

At Western District Health Service, the Attract Connect Stay Framework has been revolutionary in the way that we do our recruitment. Not only have we gone back and revised all of our recruitment processes, step-by-step, starting from our ideal candidate profiles through to revising our position descriptions, which then feeds into our advertising. Everything that we do has changed for the better. We couldn’t have done it without the help of the Attract Connect Stay team guiding us along the way.



Introducing the

Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program

The Only Workforce Strengthening Program For Rural Businesses needing to attract and retain skilled workers and professionals from out of region.

This program is designed to tackle the challenge of shortages of skilled workers in rural settings and to foster strong, sustainable businesses in rural communities.

This program will empower you with the confidence to effectively attract and retain skilled workers for your rural business.

Wondering if This Program is for You?


Ask Yourself the Following Questions…

Am I struggling to find the right-fit candidates for my business or my team?

It’s frustrating when you put out ads, but the results aren’t what you hoped for. You sense there’s something missing – something that’s not quite clicking – when it comes to attracting skilled workers to join your organisation.

Are my staff burning out due to constant employee shortages?

We understand how tough it is when your team is stretched thin. Your staff’s well-being matters, and you worry that the exhaustion might push them to leave. Extra shifts and running services with too few hands can lead to burnout and dissatisfaction.

Am I losing hope of ever being fully staffed?

We get it… It’s disheartening when it feels like you’re stuck in a cycle of unrewarding recruitment with no end in sight. The thought of always scrambling to fill positions, without the chance to enhance your services, can be discouraging.

Is Staff Turnover Impacting Your Team's Morale and Efficiency?

High turnover can create a ripple effect, impacting team morale and operational efficiency. If you’re noticing a pattern of valuable employees leaving, it’s time to ask why. Is it the work environment, lack of growth opportunities, or something else? Is it something you can address or not ? Understanding the root causes of turnover is crucial for creating a more stable and satisfied workforce.

Our workforce strengthening program for rural businesses is the answer you’ve been looking for and need!

Enjoy Comprehensive Support in 3 Key Areas

Our Tailored Approach to Empowering Your Workforce

1. Confidence & Credibility

Receive personalised support and training from Dr Cosgrave to feel confident about using people-centred human resources practices.

2. Workbooks & Resources

Access easy-to-use workbooks and resources that break down the Attract Connect Stay Framework. Follow step-by-step guides to create workforce strengthening strategies that fit your organisation and the community you live in.

3. Attracting & Retaining

Discover how to identify your ideal team members. Learn how to find, hire, and create a supportive environment that makes employees want to stay, all with the help of the Attract Connect Stay Framework.

Don’t miss this opportunity to reshape your workforce. Join us and take your organisation to new heights!

Here’s What’s In Store When You Join

Unlock the Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program's Benefits!

A self-paced online program

5 x Modules based on the 5 pillars with 20+ short training videos created & delivered by Dr Cath Cosgrave. Includes a course guide & reflection workbook – Valued at $4,500

Access to a ready-to-use Attract Connect Stay Toolkit – Valued at $3,000

Access to templates, guidelines & checklists including: Ideal Candidate Profile template, Job Description template, Job Ad Guidelines, Recruitment Incentives Checklist, Guidelines for a Person-Environment-Fit selection process, a Checklist for onboarding new staff and lots more.

Case studies and Video Resources from clients using the ToolKit

The Benefits

Learn how to create impactful recruitment campaigns – 75% of job seekers are more likely to apply if they can see an employer actively managing their employer brand.

Learn how to spot ‘good fit’ applicants – Lack of fit’ is associated with 20% of resignations of new staff within the first six months.

Master new staff onboarding for a seamless, smooth, and supported start – Having an excellent onboarding process can improve your retention rate of new staff by over 50%

Support new staff and their families to quickly settle and make local social connections – We have found just this one strategy alone significantly improves retention with 8 out of 10 new staff reporting within 6 months intention to stay for the medium to long term.

Develop person-centred support strategies for staff retention – 87% of millennials say they are looking for opportunities for professional development from their employer.

Create your personalised organisation roadmap for workforce transformation

Work at Your Own Pace

I can hear it now, you’re saying “I need to do this course, our organisation is desperate for a solution, but how can I fit it in, I already don’t have time to do my work”
We completely understand.
We completely understand our program is self-paced so you will have the flexibility to continue in your own time
PLUS We offer you ONE YEAR’S ACCESS to all the materials
which means you can access the content anytime to review modules, re-watch videos and access links

Enjoy Total Confidence…

…With Our "No Worries" Guarantee!

Our Rural Workforce Strengthening Program also comes with a 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. If, within the first 14 days of the program, you find it’s not what you expected, just let us know, and we’ll refund you – no questions asked.
This investment is completely risk-free – because your satisfaction is our top priority!

Imagine Getting Results Like These From The Program...

I would highly recommend this program to other organisations

Thanks to Cath I now have a clearer understanding of methods to utilise in order to attract and recruit new staff. I would highly recommend this program to other organisations as I believe it could truly transform their recruitment process and enable them to hire the right staff.



helped me think about how recruitment has changed

Cath really helped me think about how recruitment has changed and how it is an employees market now. We need to recruit differently to how things were done in the past. But we also need to recruit specifically who we are looking for. The program also identified areas in our (organisation’s) onboarding and general processes that we need to address to make recruitment and retainment viable.



Thank you Cath!

The Attract, Stay, Connect program helped us to take a deeper look at our recruitment and induction processes. This identified some areas that we need to put further work into in order to support our org in having more effective outcomes in recruiting and retaining staff. Thank you Cath!



A Couple More Question to Ask Yourself…

How Much Is My Service Losing By Not Transforming Our Workforce?

Think About It:
  • How many clients am I turning away or not serving properly due to understaffing?

  • How often do I struggle with finding suitable candidates, leading to repeated job advertisements?

  • How much is the low staff count affecting my current employees’ job satisfaction and causing them to leave?

When you crunch the numbers, these factors can add up to TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars per recruitment, and HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS in annual costs!

Who Benefits From the Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program?

Word Cloud Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program

Get to Know Cath Cosgrave

Support, Solutions, and Supercharging Rural and Regional Communities

I have a passion for crafting customised employment solutions that yield positive impacts for businesses in rural areas. With my background in social science, my main goal has been to enhance and advance rural health services. I’m proud to say that my evidence-based Attract Connect Stay Framework has earned worldwide recognition for both its ease of implementation and its effectiveness.

Through my consultancy business, I offer group programs and coaching that empowers rural-based organisations to come up with effective workforce solutions. What truly drives me is narrowing the access gaps in rural areas and fostering robust, close-knit communities. I’m wholeheartedly dedicated to making rural areas truly delightful places to both live and work in.

Featured in the Media

Businesses Who Have Benefitted

DIY Option: Begin Whenever You’re Ready – Enrol Now!

Enrol in the DIY Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program and Unlock Over $7,500 in VALUE!

Enrol in the Program Today

DIY Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program

And Unlock Over $7,500 in VALUE

A self-paced online program

(Value: $4,500)

Access to a ready-to-use Attract Connect Stay Toolkit

(Value: $3,000)

That’s Over $7,500 in Value…
…For Just 1 Payment of $895 inc GST


1 Payment Option

1 Payment of

$895 inc GST


Your Questions – Answered

The program is structured into five modules which are broken up into: short how-to videos, a workbook, guidelines and checklists designed to integrate learnings and give your business/ team immediate impacts. If you can invest 90 – 120 minutes, spread over the course of a week, you can easily get through the content and get HUGE value from this program. And radically improve your workforce situation.

The program is self-paced. watch, read and do the homework when it works for you.

Join the Waiting List

This program is currently under development.
Available 1st March 2025

Are you maximising your rural health workforce’s potential?

Download this self-assessment checklist to benchmark your organisation against the Attract Connect Stay Framework