Discover Our Comprehensive Training Programs

These programs are designed to empower rural communities and transform workforce strategies. From enhancing community engagement to developing a resilient rural town’s skilled workforce, our range of training options offers the guidance and tools essential for success.

Explore our Training Programs 

Learn more about each training program and how they can benefit your organisation or rural community. Choose the path that aligns with your goals and embark on a journey of workforce transformation to build a stronger, more cohesive rural community. 

Kickstart your Community Connector Program 
For community leaders, economic development groups, rural councils, and businesses aiming to strengthen community connections and address skilled workforce shortages.

Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program
Ideal for HR managers, team leaders, economic development bureaucrats, and rural community advocates focused on attracting and retaining high-quality staff in health and social care sectors.

Book Dr. Cath Cosgrave as a Presenter
Elevate your event with expert insights on rural health from Dr. Cath Cosgrave, offering engaging, insightful presentations and proven strategies to tackle rural workforce challenges.

Tailored Workshops on Rural Health and Workforce Development
Transform your organisation or community with interactive workshops led by Dr. Cath Cosgrave, delivering customised learning experiences and practical solutions for rural health and social care environments. 

Community Connector Program

Kickstart your Community Connector Program (CCP)

Empowering Rural Leaders to Strengthen Their Communities

Who Is It For?

  • Community leaders seeking to create stronger, more connected rural areas.
  • Economic development groups focused on improving healthcare and social care.
  • Rural and regional local councils and businesses wanting to address skilled workforce shortages.
  • Anyone committed to supporting the successful integration of new skilled workers and their families.

What Does the Program Offer?

  • Comprehensive Program Setup Guide: Step-by-step instructions on launching the CCP, including evaluating community readiness, planning, and implementation strategies.
  • Integration and Retention Solutions: Innovative approaches to support Community Connectors to help attract, integrate, and retain health professionals care and other skilled workers, and provide a concierge service supporting newcomer workers and their families’ transition and connection to the community.
  • Community Enhancement Benefits: Strengthened local networks, improved healthcare and social care access, and economic development through a focused, community-led effort.

Why It’s Unmissable: 

Confronted with the challenge of securing and maintaining a skilled, committed workforce in rural or regional areas? The Kickstart your Community Connector Program stands as your beacon of hope. Crafted with a deep focus on fostering community bonds and leveraging evidence-based methodologies, this program empowers you to cultivate a vibrant, enduring skilled workforce. Engage with us to transform your community engagement practices and embed lasting change, ensuring the prosperity and health of your community. 

Community Connector Program

Do It Yourself

Self-Paced Online Modules

  • 4 x Self-paced Module (Ready, Set, Go, Next)
  • 30+ short training videos 
  • 1 x Course Guide 
  • 1 x Reflection Workbook
  • Toolkit with templates
  • Yours to Keep – Downloadable resources and video access
Community Connector Program

Done Together

With Dr. Cath Cosgrave

  • All the Do It Yourself Program  plus: 
  • 3 x 1-hour Ask Me Anything Strategy Calls with Dr Cosgrave
  • Anytime online coaching & feedback over 7 weeks
  • 7 x weekly 15min Group Coaching Calls
  • Bonus: Live Online Community Forum: Q&A with your stakeholders
Community Connector Program

Impact Network

With Dr. Cath Cosgrave

  • 10 x monthly live webinar and Q&A
  • Anytime online coaching & feedback 
  • Access to ACS 3, 6, 12 month surveys 
  • Access a tailored CRM for Community Connectors
  • 2 x 1-hour Ask Us Anything Strategy Calls with Dr Cosgrave & Bim Rutherford
Attract Connect Stay Launchpad Program

Attract Connect Stay - Launchpad Program

Empowering Rural Resilience: Attract, Connect, Thrive

Who Is It For? 

  • Rural and regional health and social care businesses especially HR managers and team leaders aiming to attract and retain high-quality staff.
  • Economic development bureaucrats committed to bolstering rural healthcare and social care services.
  • Rural community advocates passionate about improving local employment opportunities.
  • Anyone invested in the growth and sustainability of rural and regional healthcare and social care sectors. 


What We Offer: 

  • Framework Mastery: Navigate Dr. Cath Cosgrave’s Attract Connect Stay Framework and the five implementation pillars, learning to apply its principles through a step-by-step approach that addresses rural workforce challenges.
  • Strategic Solutions for Workforce Stability: Discover innovative strategies for attracting, integrating, and retaining essential healthcare and social care personnel, focusing on creating a supportive environment for both new employees and their families.
  • Enhancement of Community and Organisational Capacities: Foster stronger community connections and enhance the accessibility of healthcare and social care services, contributing to the overall development and economic growth of rural and regional areas through a community-centric approach. 

Why It’s Unmissable: 

If you’re grappling with the complexities of building a resilient health or social care workforce in a rural setting, this program is your gateway to turning those challenges into opportunities. With expert guidance, proven strategies, and a community-focused approach, the Attract Connect Stay – Launchpad Program equips you to make lasting improvements to your workforce strategy, enhancing both your organisation’s and your community’s well-being. 

Attract Connect Stay

Do It Yourself

Self-Paced Online Modules

  • 5 x Self-paced Modules covering the ACS pillars
  • 20+ short training videos
  • 1 x Course Guide
  • 1 x Reflection Workbook
  • Tool Kit with Templates
  • Yours to Keep downloadable resources and video access
Attract Connect Stay

Done Together

With Dr. Cath Cosgrave

  • All the Do It Yourself Program plus:
  • 5 x 1-hour Ask Me Anything Strategy Calls with Dr Cosgrave
  • Anytime online coaching & feedback over 10 weeks
  • 10 x weekly 15min Group Coaching Calls
  • Yours to Keep downloadable resources and video access
  • Bonus: Live Online Organisation Forum: Presentation & Q&A with your Board & staff 
  • Exclusive Workforce Plan
Attract Connect Stay

Member Network

With Dr. Cath Cosgrave

  • 10 x Monthly live webinar and Q&A
  • Anytime online coaching & feedback 
  • 2 x 1-hour Ask Me Anything Strategy calls with Dr Cosgrave
  • Access to ACS 3, 6, 12 month+ surveys
  • Access to library of ACS resources

Book Dr. Cath Cosgrave as a Presenter

Elevate Your Event with Expert Insights on Rural Health

Elevate your event with Dr. Cath Cosgrave, a leading authority on rural health and workforce development. Dr. Cosgrave has captivated audiences globally, as a  keynote speaker and a panellist, sharing her ground-breaking Attract Connect Stay Framework and Community Connector Program. Her speaking engagements span diverse platforms, including prestigious conferences, symposiums, and online forums, each tailored to deliver impactful insights and strategies for tackling rural workforce challenges.

Why Dr. Cath Cosgrave for Your Speaking Engagement?

Expertise That Transcends Borders: Dr. Cosgrave’s Australian and international (New Zealand and Canada) presentations highlight her deep understanding of rural health dynamics, making her insights universally applicable and sought after.

  • Engaging & Insightful Presentations: With topics ranging from organisational culture to the social determinants of attraction and retention, Dr. Cosgrave delivers content that is both informative and engaging, designed to resonate with a broad audience.
  • Customised Content for Maximum Impact: Understanding that each audience is unique, Dr. Cosgrave tailors her presentations to meet the specific needs and interests of your attendees, ensuring relevance and actionable takeaways.
  • Proven Strategies, Real Results: Through her speaking engagements, Dr. Cosgrave shares proven frameworks and innovative solutions that have been instrumental in transforming skilled workforces particularly in healthcare across numerous regional and rural communities.

Bring Dr. Cath Cosgrave to your next event and guarantee your audience an enriching experience that combines theoretical insights with practical solutions. Contact us to book Dr. Cosgrave for your speaking engagement and set the stage for transformative discussions.

List of Invited Speaking Engagements: Keynotes, Presentations and Panels by Dr. Cath Cosgrave



  • Occupational Therapy Australia, Regional, Rural, and Remote Special Interest Group, Online (10 Oct): Presentation on Attract Connect Stay Framework and five pillar solution.
  • National Economic Development Conference, Karratha, WA (22-24 Aug): Presentation on the Attract Connect Stay Framework and Community Connector Program and panellist.
  • NSW Government, Agency for Clinical Innovation, RICH Forum, Online (13 June): Keynote on Attract Connect Stay Framework and five pillar solution. 


  • National Centre for Farmers’ Health, Farming a Brighter Future Symposium, Waurn Ponds, VIC (9 Sep): Presentation on Attract Connect Stay Framework’s application in the agriculture sector: part Of Rural Workforce
  • Recruitment, Retention and Capacity Building to Support Farmer Health, Wellbeing and Safety Session 
    Western Alliance Annual Symposium in Dunkeld, VIC (22 Nov) Presentation on Community Connector Program: Attract Connect Stay- A community-led solution to attract and retain healthcare professionals to work and live in rural places 
  • Regional Development Australia- Mid North Coast, IGNITE MNC – Annual Conference, Woolgoolga, NSW (2 Nov): Panellist on ‘Workforce’  


  • Rural Workforce Association Victoria, Allied Health Primary Care Solutions Forum, Online (26 May): Presentation on Attract Connect Stay Framework and Community Connector Program.
  • NSW Rural Doctors Network Event, Online (5 Nov): Presentation on Attract Connect Stay Framework and Community Connector Program. 


  • National Rural Health Student Network Webinar Supper series, Online (13 July): Presentation on Attract Connect Stay Framework and Community Connector Program.
  • SARRAH Webinar Series (14 May): Presentation on the Social Determinants of a Rural and Remote Health Workforce. 


  • 13th Annual Workforce Planning for Healthcare, Sydney NSW (Nov): Keynote with R. Cooper on health professional retention.
  • Government of Nunavut, Iqaluit, Canada (15 May): Presentation on Attract Connect Stay Framework 
  • University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) (24 May): Presentation on Attract Connect Stay Framework  


  • University of British Columbia (UBC) (15-17 October): Presentations one to community and other to UBC faculty and post grad students on Attract Connect Stay Framework  
Attract Connect Stay Workshops

Tailored Workshops on Rural Health and Workforce Development

Empowering Rural Futures: Transformative Workshops with Dr Cath Cosgrave

Elevate your organisation’s or community’s skilled workforce capacity with targeted, interactive workshops led by Dr. Cath Cosgrave, a renowned expert in rural health workforce strengthening. Dr. Cosgrave brings her vast experience and innovative approaches directly to your team or group, offering practical, evidence-based solutions tailored to the unique challenges of rural health and social care environments. 

Why Choose Dr. Cath Cosgrave’s Workshops? 

  • Customised Learning Experiences: From national and international conferences to local public health services, Dr. Cosgrave’s workshops are designed to meet the specific needs of rural leaders, managers, and community stakeholders, ensuring relevant, actionable outcomes.
  • Interactive and Engaging: Dr. Cosgrave’s sessions go beyond traditional lectures, involving participants in discussions, case studies, and planning exercises that foster a deeper understanding of the material and its application.
  • Proven Strategies for Real-World Challenges: Drawing on her successful workshops, such as “Unleashing the Power of the Community Connector Program” and “Attract Connect Stay: An Employee Recruitment and Retention Workshop Series for Local Businesses,” Dr. Cosgrave shares insights and tools that have already made significant impacts in rural communities across Australia and internationally.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Whether it’s a full-day deep dive or a series of half-day sessions, each workshop is packed with content on attracting, recruiting, and retaining a dedicated rural health workforce, from person-centred and place-based approaches to comprehensive community engagement strategies. 

Book Dr. Cath Cosgrave for a workshop at your organisation or group and take the first step toward transforming your rural health workforce and community. Contact us to discuss how we can customise a workshop to suit your needs and make a lasting impact on your team or group and the communities you serve. 

List of Expert-Led Workshops: Facilitated by Dr. Cath Cosgrave



  • Western District Health Service, Hamilton, VIC (March, June, Sep): Training for Senior Managers: Attract Connect Stay – Training Workshops for Implementing the Five Pillars (3X1/2 days)
  • AH202, Mid Coast, NSW (28 April): Training for AH202 Committee – Governance and Financial Sustainability for the Community Connector Program (1/2 day)


  • AH202, Mid Coast, NSW (6 Oct): Training for local business: Exploring the benefits of the Mid Coast Community Connector Program for your business and community (1.5 hrs)


  • Echuca Regional Health, Echuca, VIC (24 May): Training for Community Service’s Management group: Improving Attraction, Recruitment and Retention: Person-Centred & Place-Based Approach Workshop (full day)
  • Greater Shepparton City Council, Online (11 & 18 March): Training for local businesses in Shepparton LGA: Attract Connect Stay: An Employee Recruitment and Retention Workshop Series for Local Businesses (2 X 1/2 day workshops) 


  • Latrobe Valley Authority, Gippsland, VIC (28-30 Aug): Community Workshops to support the development of a Gippsland-wide Allied Health Workforce Strategy workshops held in Wonthaggi, Traralgon, Bairnsdale: Attract Connect Stay: Allied Health Recruitment & Retention Strategy Workshops (3X 1/2 day workshops)
  • South West Healthcare, Warrnambool Base Hospital, Warrnambool, VIC (10 April): Training for Department Managers: The Attract Connect Stay Framework